Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Seventy Times Seven...

Well, not quite. And no, its not a post about forgiveness! There is a little thing called The Sevens that has been doing the blogs 'round for a while now. Heather said she didn't know anybody who hadn't done it... Well, this'll teach her! Questions are here, find the answers by clicking the post title.

The Sevens

Seven things to do before I die
Make a CD of music for and about my family
Write and publish a novel
Build up artists within in the church
Adpot a child
Live in Eurpoe again
Make my own, quality software
Love my wife even more

Seven things I cannot do
Be consistently kind to myself
Listen to Country and Western music without laughing! (Thanks, Heather!)
Drink instant coffee
Look back without thinking "What if?"
Be totally convinced that I am absolutely right
Play a good improvised jazz bass solo
Paint or Draw

Seven things that attract me to my wife
Her smile
Her laugh
The way she cares for our children
Her incredible talent
Her humility
The way she supports and encourages me when I need it most
Her body (hey, I'm a guy!)

Seven things I most often say
All-righty then!
I'm sorry.
Have you thought about... ?

Seven books I love
The Bible (The Message Remix in particular)
The Bridge of Birds
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
The Inner Game of Music
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Heart of the Artist

Seven movies I could watch over and over again
Star Wars (Episode IV - renamed, A New Hope)
The Princes Bride
The Wizard of Oz
Lord of the Rings 1, 2 & 3
Being There (although I haven't seen in many a year!)
The Matrix
The Red Violin (Thanks Zoe, for introducing us to this)

Seven People I want to join in too...
Ok, this one is hard...
Brian (if he hasn't already)
Chris & Coz, by proxy I guess
Phil (although I'm not sure he really would)
well, I got to four!

Click the post title see all the answers!


Heather Cady said...

Basically I just wasn't feeling cheeky enough to tag anyone :) Glad you bit though!